Stay engaged and accessible.Having active, engaged leaders
clearly reduces the impression
of management being up in their ivory tower and not having
a clear understanding of the
challenges employees face in
their day-to-day responsibilities.
Just being there, being able to
acknowledge it, acknowledging
that they have a unique set of
skills that are, in most cases,
valuable to an organization, it
makes a very big difference.
We’re fortunate, since we are a
modest-sized, independent
organization with fairly long-term tenure of our staff, which
means you actually get to know
people here. Most people know
me, and I know them at least by
their first name.
In a smaller organization,
you can develop the kind of
personal relationships that
make a difference in comparison with large organizations
that might have a much greater transition going on.
I’ve worked in larger organizations where, just because of
the sheer size, it is more difficult to develop those types of
I kind of view my leadership
style as being akin to a conductor with an orchestra, where
you try and place talented people around you and get them to
work in concert to produce
superior results. I generally
have a good idea of the direction the organization should be
moving in and getting people
working toward the same end.
That’s typically how I approach
HOW TO REACH: Uniontown Hospital, (724) 430-5000 or