Team player

Get out on the front lines. The
internal people are just as
important as the external people. If you don’t know
them and work with them,
alongside them, how can you
ever know whether you’re
failing them or not delivering
what you promise?

Get out and work with the
people. It’s not about telling
them that this is what I could
do. It’s about showing others
that this is what I do, do. That’s
a fundamental difference.

I’ve heard a lot people tell
me how wonderful they were
on the sport field. I used to be
a rower. I was chosen for the
Olympic games — but back in
1971. Who gives a rat these
days? It’s all about demonstrating to the people that you’re as
good as what you say.

In corporate life, we’ve all got bottom lines to look at, but
basically what I’m about is
saying, ‘Look. I’m never going
to ask you to do something
that I wouldn’t or I haven’t
already done, including cleaning out restrooms, including
driving forklifts and unloading
trucks.’ Sure, there are long
hours to put in, but you’ve got
to recognize them and be
there with them. You can’t ask
the people to do things if you
don’t lead from the front.

Deliver on your promises. Over-promising and underdelivering seems to be a part of
one’s culture these days.
Staff [members] lose respect
and desire to want to perform because you don’t
deliver what you say you

Day one, I came out here
and said, ‘Listen, this is a
great company from Down
Under, but look at this tin
shed over here. This is what
we’re working out of. When
we get better, we’ll get a
nicer office. When we’re able
to afford better health conditions, I will give them to
you.’ Fortunately, everything
I’ve ever said to them, I’ve
been able to deliver.

Constantly reviewing your
own work practices is really
what you’ve got to do. If
you’ve made a statement to
the staff of what you’re going
to do, you’ve got to measure
your own performance. It’s
not about just measuring
their performance.

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