Help people understand themselves. We’ve had meetings with many
of our senior staff who have created the concept for these
visioning sessions. We talk to
them about how they describe success in their current role and
how they think that should be
We also have discussions with
them about what is it they think
makes them as good as they are
at what they do. … We also talk
about, on the flip side, what part
of their current role they struggle with and what that might tell
them about their skill, knowledge and talent.
We also talk about what would
be the perfect role. We do a kind
of imagining session, where we
talk about what they would be
doing. These are powerful discussions because we’re not just
sitting there as many organizations do, telling the staff what it
is we think they need to do.
It’s helping and assisting our
staff to begin to understand
themselves. If they don’t understand their skills and talents, they
don’t know how to leverage them
for our clients in their projects.
Start at the beginning. On the subject of a new employee orientation process, there are lots of
things I’ve seen read and heard
from other business folks who
have talked about getting people oriented on the inside looking inward. But I haven’t heard a
lot of talk about how you get
your new employees looking
outward and how you treat your
clients when they are calling for
help, when you’re out working
with them on an existing project.
Most companies go through
formal orientation processes,
and we do, as well. They help
employees get to know different leaders of the firm, which we
do, as well. We have one-on-one
meetings with many of the
employees, many of the leaders
of the firm, including ourselves.
But what we also talk about is
how we treat and work with our
clients. I think that is a huge differentiator for our firm.
Focusing your employees
from the start is important. If
you don’t have a focus as a business, you’re spinning your
wheels, looking at moving into
other markets that you may not
know much about.
The markets we’re in right
now, we’re able to move into
those markets very powerfully.
Without question, we know
those markets inside and out.
HOW TO REACH: BSA LifeStructures Inc., (317) 819-7878 or