Share the workload. Have
employees present part of
what’s going on in their business and their best practices
and some of their short-term
wins. The more of that you
can have and the more dialogue that creates between the
individual groups, the better
off you’re going to be.
They have such a deep knowledge of what’s going on in the
business. That peer-to-peer communication begins to create
some bonds across the organization. But there is also real
insight there as to what’s working and what’s not working with
customers and with operations.
They are connecting with
their peers in terms of people
they can reach out to to talk
about challenges and opportunities but also about best practices and approaches to working with customers that can
help them do a better job.
From their point of view,
that’s much closer to home
and closer to their day-to-day
experience and potentially a
little bit more energizing. If
one of my peers is speaking
about a challenge or a short-term win, it’s just slightly more
meaningful to me that they are
going through that experience.
Drive competition. Pride is a really strong motivator with people. Over the years, in different
organizations, I’ve always had
awards programs like the best
facility or most improved facility or best customer service or
these types of things.
In pretty much any organization, that’s going to help to
drive pride and a little bit of
competition in between the
different sites.
That’s just a fantastic way to
really draw out the whole goal-setting process and main business themes of the company.
Individuals take pride in their
work, and it’s only natural for
them to want to be recognized.
There is a bit of fun in it, as well,
for the facilities to compete and
then have bragging rights once
the annual awards have been
HOW TO REACH: Greenstar North America, (713) 965-0005 or