Thomas J. Strauss takes servant leadershipseriously.
The president and CEO of Summa HealthSystem has a long list of accomplishments,but each bullet point leads to the same goal— creating a healthier community.
Marty Hauser, president and CEO ofSummaCare Health Plan, has seen many ofStrauss’ plans become reality.
“Tom’s mantra is, ‘If not Summa, thenwho?’” Hauser says.
Strauss was instrumental in launchingSumma’s first community health advisorycommittee in early 2000 to ensure the systemadopted plans and policies to fulfill its mission to provide the highest quality compassionate care and to contribute to a healthiercommunity. He also launched a communityambassador program to better connectSumma leadership to local nonprofit boardsand causes.
For the past six years, Strauss has workedclosely with Robert Kulinski, president andchief executive director of United Way ofSummit County. Strauss was executive chairman of United Way’s 2007 campaign, whichexceeded its goal of $11.2 million by $50,000.
“Tom leads without making a lot of noise,”Kulinski says. “He is a consummate servantleader. He’s uplifting, inspirational and confident. He always starts each meeting with aninspirational story or provides an opportunity for volunteers and staff to do so. Clearly,people will run through a brick wall for himbecause of the confidence he has withinthem and the way he treats people at all levels of responsibility.”
Under Strauss’ leadership, Summa hasspearheaded numerous collaborative community initiatives supported by Summaphysicians and staff, as well as donated cash,administrative and medical services fromSumma, and leveraged the same from otherorganizations.
One of these initiatives is the HealthyConnections Network’s Access to Care program. The program has linked more than2,637 low-income uninsured individuals inSummit County with 262 physicians andother providers who have donated theirtime, more than $22 million in services, andleveraged pharmaceuticals worth more than$1.1 million. The nine-year alliance wasfounded with strong financial and leadershipsupport from Strauss and other Summa staff.
Another example of Summa’s commitment to the community is its work as a founding member of the University ParkNeighborhood Revitalization. Summa continues to provide leadership and support tothe University Park Alliance, whose missionis to revitalize a 40-block area surroundingthe University of Akron and Summa’s AkronCity Hospital campus. As part of this initiative, Summa recently joined forces withAkron General Medical Center and the cityof Akron to establish a $30 million, 60-bed,long-term acute-care hospital in theUniversity Park neighborhood that willretain 300 jobs in the city and add at least70 more at the new hospital.
Hauser acknowledges the influence ofStrauss’ values, leadership styles and character on Summa’s corporate culture.
“Tom lives the servant leadership culture,and he’s implemented this at Summa,”Hauser says. “He’s elevating Summa’s senseof social responsibility within the communitythrough Summa’s Leadership Institute wherehe teaches a servant leadership class on aquarterly basis.”
Strauss models servant leadership both atSumma and in the community, where he isinvolved with organizations like Heart toHeart and Habitat for Humanity. Heart toHeart is a local organization that is committed to helping individuals discover their purpose and spirituality in everyday work.
Under Strauss’ leadership, Summa has significantly improved its financial performanceand clinical quality. The health system hasgrown from two hospitals when Straussjoined Summa to a total of six hospitals inSummit, Portage and Medina counties, making Summa one of the largest integratedhealth care delivery systems in Ohio.
The system also has four community healthcenters, SummaCare — a for-profit healthplan — a 1,000-physician hospital organization and a foundation.
In 2007, MedPac, the arm that advisesCongress on Medicare matters visited Straussand his leadership team to assess how theorganization achieves success in managingthe Medicare population. Summa was one ofonly four health care systems nationally visited for this important investigation.
Summa Health System is the largestemployer in Summit County, with 10,000employees serving a half-million patientseach year. Total revenue for Summa wasclose to $1 billion in 2007.
HOW TO REACH: Summa Health System, (330) 375-3101