Rich Henry helped McCarthy Building Cos. Inc. get back on track with employee engagement


  • Take the time to appreciate what you’ve created.
  • Find the best channels to convey your message.
  • Break your plan down into smaller parts.

The Henry File

Name: Rich Henry
Title: President, Northern Pacific Division
Company: McCarthy Building Cos. Inc.
Born: Centreville, Illinois
Education: Bachelor of science, civil engineering, University of Missouri – Rolla (now known as Missouri University of Science and Technology); MBA from Golden Gate University, San Francisco.
What was your first job and what did you learn from it? I was a carpenter’s apprentice back in St. Louis working for my dad’s construction company when I was 16. It was probably the best thing my dad ever did for me was put me in the trades. I always had a passion for construction, but what it did more than anything is give me a very strong appreciation for the tradesmen and how hard they work and what it really takes to be a construction tradesmen.
A lot of people get into the construction business and they have never actually been able to touch that element or live it, breathe it and sweat like that to know how hard it is. That probably motivated me more than anything to go to college because it was really hard work.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life? My father pushed me toward the business and I would be remiss by not saying that he had a very significant influence on me and to this day, he still does. I talk to him regularly. But probably the person who shaped my career the most and has been a mentor to me is our CEO, Mike Bolen. Like many of us, he got his start with a tool belt.
His father was a carpenter and he came out of the U.S. Air Force Academy as a carpenter and ultimately worked his way up through the ranks of McCarthy as a lifer, just like me.
He emphasized very strongly to me to have a plan, be strategic and work very hard. He has mentored me my entire career and has influenced my success more than anybody.