Resisting change

Q. What is the key todeveloping relationshipswith customers?

I don’t like surprises, so I thinkone of the things that we do ismake sure that everyone thatworks with you knows what toexpect and not to let thingscome up and bite you, and thentry to apply that same philosophy all throughout the company.

Put yourself in your client’sshoes and act as an adviser foryour client. Be honest and fair,and be as direct and honest asyou can. Always rememberthat your customer’s interest isin the company’s interest.

Q. How can other leadersbetter take care of theircustomers?

It’s not easy, and it’s gottenharder and harder as it’s gottenmore mechanical. The mechanical things help a lot, but it takesaway the personal aspect.

Strive to keep as much personal aspect as you can withyour customers. It might costa little more money, but it’swell worth it.

We’re probably a little slow toadd mechanical elements. Wearen’t open 24 hours a day.We’re not a major force — ourcustomer knows they can reachus, and we continue to let themknow that. We’re trying to get asmuch up-to-date information aswe can so we can reach out tothem. We are communicatingwith our customer as the environment changes.

Q. How do you communicatewith customers?

That really depends on thecustomer. You really have to listen, and it is hard to understandwhat they’re saying sometimes.People ask a question that youhave to be able to see throughand see what their real questionis behind it. That’s why personalservice is so important.

[For example,] people gettheir deeds of trust mixed up allthe time. People will call andask a question about their deedwhen they mean their mortgageinstrument as opposed to thetitle for their home. There’soften confusion where wordscoming out of their mouth arenot what they mean.

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