Pumping life back into St. Mary's Medical Center

Davide Carbone, CEO, St. Mary’s Medical Center
Davide Carbone, CEO, St. Mary’s Medical Center

The Carbone file

Davide Carbone
St. Mary’s Medical Center

Born: Boston area
Education: Bachelor’s degree in environmental biology from Clark University; master’s in health administration from Duke
What is your definition of success?
Being able to go home every day and feel you’ve done the best that you can for your facility or your employer and for your employees and to be proud of what you’ve achieved. … If you can go home at night and know you’ve done a good job, that’s probably the best measure of success. As long as you are gratified with the amount of effort that you put in and it’s actually leading to something that’s getting better and that you’ve hoped to achieve.
What do you like most about your current job?
The ability to make a change and make a difference in people’s lives, and that’s at every level, from the patients we serve, to our employees, to the folks out in the community.
If you weren’t doing your current job, what would you be doing?
There are lots of jobs I’d thought about early on through high school and in college, but I’m very happy doing what I’m doing and I can’t imagine doing anything else.