Refocus on customer service

Mark Kirschner, CEO, Wheaton Van Lines Inc.
Mark Kirschner, CEO, Wheaton Van Lines Inc.

The Kirschner file

Mark Kirschner
Wheaton Van Lines Inc.

Born: Indianapolis
Education: Bachelor of science degree in accounting, Indiana University
What was your very first job?
Delivering the papers for the Indianapolis News. With an evening route, you knew you had to be on time to deliver the papers because they were expecting it. But you also knew if you smiled, you got a bigger tip.
Who has been the biggest influence on who you are today?
My father, Edward Kirschner. He taught me integrity and to be honest. He taught me early on, if you’re going to do a job, do it as best as you can to its highest level. He was a policeman and a very ethical person. He instilled that honesty and integrity to all of us at a very early age. If you do something wrong, admit it. If you make a mistake, own up to it. Give it your best every day.
What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?
My father told me, ‘You won’t know until you try.’ It was the way we were brought up. We were raised to be very independent and self-sufficient.
If you could have a conversation with anyone, whom would it be and why?
When you asked that, two people came to mind. One was my father. I’d have a conversation with my father on a lot of different things that are important to me. And Jesus Christ.