Ready for action

Kirk Headley is always preparing for disaster. As president of American Pollution Control Corp. (Ampol), being ready when opportunity strikes has been the key to success for his environmental business venture.
When Headley was hired to launch Ampol as a part of American Oilfield Divers (AOD) in 1993, he was charged with hiring the initial employees and purchasing  equipment. Though Ampol was awarded its first contract soon after, the company was left adrift when AOD’s new president and CEO chose to sell it off.
Although it was a risk, Headley decided to take control of Ampol himself and oversee its day-to-day management. He believed that by returning all profits to invest in the company’s environmental capabilities, such as acquiring two 110-foot utility vessels, the company could differentiate itself from its competitors and excel. With the vessels, Ampol became the only privately held company with assets to compete offshore. During this time, its response to environmental disasters such as hurricanes Katrina and Rita set Ampol on course to generate increased revenue.

Kirk Headley, president, American Pollution Control Corp.

By preparing employees proactively for disaster scenarios, Headley ensures Ampol can respond quickly and effectively to unique crises. When other companies declined to respond to the anthrax attack in Washington, D.C., in 2001, Headley’s company was able to handle the dangerous job. In three years, the company completed the cleanup with zero accidents and injuries.
Because of its knowledgeable and skilled teams, Ampol was also ready when the BP oil spill occurred in 2010 and brought in revenue of more that $120 million for its services.
Headley continues to invest Ampol’s time and resources in developing new technology for its clients, including oil spill clean-up technologies and adding new green services and products.
How to reach: American Pollution Control Corp., (337) 365-7847 or