Re-consider, re-focus and re-commit to your team and your goals

From re-think, re-invent, re-energize and re-create, to re-start, re-program, re-boot and re-brand, ‘Re’ challenges you to ask, “What if? Why not?”

Did you know that a mid-year or second quarter slump is a common phenomenon in business? This is a real occurrence where companies experience a slowdown in performance or a decrease in motivation and productivity after the initial enthusiasm of the new year wears off.  So, if you are feeling a deflation of energy in your company or less than stellar second quarter results, you are not alone.

It may be time to re-consider, re-focus and re-commit to your team and your goals rather than ride the wave of status quo, or worse, lose momentum by letting the mid-year blues stretch over the summer months. “Re” provides the opportunity to review the company’s goals and accomplishments to date. “Re” is an opportunity to re-fresh your business and its products and services to prevent it from getting stale. “Re” even allows you to re-examine yourself, re-new your commitment and re-charge your team.

Re-focus: As we move into the latter half of the year, it is a perfect time to reflect on the past six months and re-focus and challenge what the company needs to do to achieve or surpass its goals.

Re-commit: Make sure your personal energy level reflects the energy level you want to see in your team. If not, determine what steps you need to take to re-charge and get your groove back.

Re-charge: To the previous point, re-energize your team and get them back on track. Let your team know the game plan and get them excited about the company’s potential for growth through the remainder of the year.

Re-calibrate: Take a hard look at what is happening in your industry and in the economy. If there have been market fluctuations, supply chain issues, industry consolidation or other trends that are the cause of mediocre second quarter results, rather than reach for the impossible, which can be demotivating for both you and your team, recalibrate and set new goals that will keep everyone focused on what is possible for your company to achieve this year. Re-strategize to find a pathway around market challenges in order to identify new opportunities to succeed in the new norm.

Re-examine: To counteract a mid-year slump, businesses can also implement various marketing initiatives to re-energize the team and re-engage its target audience. Brainstorm with your team to strategize on what needs to be done to create a buzz within your industry. Partner with an industry association to offer an educational webinar or seminar, create a survey or conduct a research project and share findings with customers, prospects and trade publications, host an educational and/or social event, identify and engage influencers, re-brand and re-fine your brand differentiation, and the list goes on.

With the challenges of the current year, consider how to take a “Re” approach to parts of your business. Re-think the possibilities, re-visit the vision you once had and re-ignite your passion for the future. However you decide to achieve your “Re” — make sure it’s re-markable.

Kelly Borth is CEO and chief strategy officer at GREENCREST

Kelly Borth

CEO and chief strategy officer


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