American Business Women’s Association
Six local chapters meet monthly to help women and men grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking and national recognition.
Contact: Linda Buck, 272-0457
American Women’s Society of Certified Public Accountants of Central Ohio
Provides resources, networking and mentoring opportunities for women CPAs. Monthly meeting dates vary.
Contact: Christa Dewire, 225-8700
The Association for Women in Communications, Columbus Chapter
Provides networking and professional development for women and men in all communications industries. Meets monthly, September through May.
Contact: Susan Aman, 263-0299
Business and Professional Women U.S.A.
Eleven local chapters promote equity for women in the workplace through advocacy, education and political and community involvement. Meeting times vary.
Contact: Kate Woodward, 823-0140
Columbus Area Women’s Business Council
An informal networking organization sponsored by the law firm of Chester, Willcox & Saxbe. Meets for a noon lunch the third Wednesday of every odd-numbered month at Wm. Graystone Winery.
Contact: Diane Lease, 221-4000
Columbus Association of Legal Secretaries
Provides legal education, professional certification, networking and a commitment to a professional code of ethics. Meets for a 6 p.m. dinner the first Wednesday of each month, September through June, at Berwick Manor.
Contact: Denise Arie, 221-2121
Columbus Chapter of the Women Presidents’ Organization
Monthly roundtable offering education and networking for women entrepreneurs. Open to new members in July and August.
Contact: Linda Reese, 855-2945
Columbus Commercial Real Estate Women
Promotes professional, educational and business opportunities for women in the commercial real estate industry. Meets for luncheons, usually the first Tuesday of each month.
Contact: Lori Black, 764-3100
The Columbus Women’s Network
Networking group for professional women. Meets at 5:15 p.m. the last Monday of even-numbered months and the last Tuesday of odd-numbered months, September through June, at the Radisson North.
Contact: Marcia Chambers, 798-1107
Dublin Women in Business and Professions
Networking organization that also provides career role models for local female students. Meets the fourth Wednesday of every month.
Contact: Sherrie Ridenour, 791-9191
Greater Columbus Women’s Business Development Center
A member of the Ohio Women’s Business Resource Network, the center provides assistance to female business owners. Meets for breakfast at 7:30 a.m. the first Friday of each month at the center, 3360 E. Livingston Ave.
Contact: Linda Steward, 238-6081
The Huntington Roundtables
Bimonthly networking sessions, sponsored by The Huntington National Bank, on issues that affect women business owners.
Contact: JoLynn Fraley, 480-4153
National Association of Women Business Owners, Columbus Chapter
Helps advance women business owners and everyday decision makers economically, politically and socially. Meets at 11:30 a.m. the second Thursday of odd-numbered months and at 5:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of even-numbered months at the Business Technology Center, 1275 Kinnear Road.
Contact: Marcia Swigart Hoyt, 464-2572
National Association of Women in Construction, Columbus Chapter
Promotes and supports the advancement and employment of women in the construction industry. Meets for dinner at 5 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month.
Contact: Lynda Bryant, 870-0555
Professional Secretaries International
Provides networking, education and resources for administrative assistants. Meets monthly.
Contact: Sharon Talbott, 249-4093, or Tamie Curry, 847-6352
Women in Cable and Telecommunications
Statewide organization that helps women in the cable industry attain economic, professional and economic goals. Meets three to six times a year.
Contact: Patricia Hoar, 236-1292, ext. 203
Women Lawyers of Franklin County
A bar association that addresses issues of concern to women in the law profession. Membership is open to women and men. Meets monthly for either lunch or dinner, September through May.
Contact: Brigid Heid, 221-7663
Women’s Business Beginnings
An affiliate of the Women’s Business Board. Offers education and mentoring for women who are thinking of going into business or have been in business less than three years. Meets at 5:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at 17 S. High St., Ninth Floor.
Contact: Bea Wolper, 221-4000
Women’s Business Board
Offers education and networking to women who have been in business three years or longer. Meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at 17 S. High St., Ninth Floor.
Contact: Bea Wolper, 221-4000
Women’s Network for Entrepreneurial Training
Mentoring program that matches successful entrepreneurial women with women business owners whose companies are ready to grow. Pairs meet monthly; group meets quarterly at the Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce.
Contact: Liz Thomas, 225-6916
Women’s Transportation Seminar
Columbus chapter holds quarterly luncheon meetings to help women and men grow and advance in the transportation field.
Contact: Karen Cassidy, 466-3353