Pharmacists of tomorrow

CVS /Pharmacy is working with the youth of today to help create the pharmacists of tomorrow through its Pharmacies of Promise program.

CVS’ local division of Government Programs partners with the Workforce Investment Board, Cleveland Initiative for Education and Cuyahoga Community College to introduce students to career opportunities in pharmacy by illustrating that achieving in math and science can lead to job opportunities. The program works with students in underserved communities to ensure a diverse work force of qualified pharmacists and pharmacy technologists for the future.

Beginning in elementary school, CVS pharmacists visit classrooms to talk about the importance of science and math, and middle-schoolers are invited to job shadow. High-schoolers interested in pursuing pharmacy undergo a rigorous selection process to be accepted in the scholarship/internship program, which provides part-time jobs, internships and scholarships until graduation from pharmacy school.

In addition, in 1996, CVS and Family Solutions created one of CVS’ first models for a regional learning center, combined with a One Stop, a career services center offering career counseling, job listings and other employment-related services. Since then, CVS has hired nearly 35,000 former welfare recipients nationwide.

CVS is also committed to providing opportunities for individuals and stopping the cycle of crime and violence. It and the Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry’s Community Re-Entry Program initiated a re-entry pilot project in the Greater Cleveland area this year. Those in the program work in a retail store for 30 days to learn the business and then are hired into the store.

The goal with all of CVS’ programs through its Government Programs division is to create employment opportunities so individuals can earn a living wage and have affordable health care and a sense of purpose to protect against violence, crime, teen pregnancy, substance abuse and emotional problems that perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

To further help the communities it serves, CVS has organized faith-based job fairs and was a funding partner of the Workforce Summit 2004 and 2005.

The company also focuses its efforts on recruiting mature workers. Through special recruitment, training and retention policies, 18 percent of CVS’ work force is comprised of people older than 50.

In addition, CVS/Pharmacy has contributed more than $100,000 in the last two years to organizations, nonprofits, schools and churches throughout Northeast Ohio.

How to reach: CVS/Pharmacy, (330) 487-6957