Paul Witkay

Focus on the big picture. Too many people focus only on problems and trying to fix them. They never find time to ask the biggest questions such as: “What business are we really in?” or “What do our customers really value?” or “What if we started the business today from scratch – would we build the same facilities, hire the same people, provide the same products or services with the same distribution channels, price them the same way, etc.?” Disruptive new companies are not constrained by the infrastructure and processes that burden current industry players. To have a chance, industry players must think like they’re working with a blank slate — what would they do if they were starting today?
Patience. Breakthrough ideas rarely happen overnight. They evolve over time, as someone questions whether there is another way to do things than the way it’s always been done. Questions and ideas often have to ferment awhile until they come together. If the big ideas don’t come immediately, relax. The subconscious mind continues to work on the idea while your conscious mind relaxes. However, keep engaging with people who offer different perspectives than your own.
I hope that all CEOs have the opportunity to experience a breakthrough idea that propels their businesses to the next level. I’d love to hear about your next aha moment.
Paul Witkay is the founder and CEO of the Alliance of Chief Executives. Based in the Northern California, the Alliance of Chief Executives is the most strategically valuable and innovative organization for CEOs. Paul can be contacted at [email protected].