Q. How do you get to know your employees on a more personal level?
It’s not something that you wake up and automatically can do. It’s something that people have to dedicate their time to do.
Don’t get so caught up in the day-to-day operations of what you need to do. Take that time to know your client, to know your employee. Know the people who are going to work for you every single day to do what you need to have done.
And don’t be afraid to say thank you. It’s time-consuming, I know, but it’s time well spent.
Schedule time to be with your employees. Schedule it and adhere to it. If you don’t get something accomplished that was on the to-do list, then spend more time. Too often, this is the first thing removed from a to-do list.
Q. What’s your advice for being a personable leader?
The way I conduct myself in my personal life ultimately will impact my professional life because I live near here. I see residents shopping. I see employees shopping.
As a CEO, you’ve made the assumption that you’re always working. You’re always in that role. It doesn’t matter whether you’re at home on your time. The way that you conduct yourself and your character is who you are. You can’t change that.
Make sure that you’re not hiding behind that title and that you’re not afraid to get out there and work. Some leaders don’t take the time to be personable and only walk the CEO walk. I jump in and help staff members whenever I can. I have assisted in every area of the building. I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves.
Some CEOs would walk past something on the floor and ask a staff member to pick it up. Respect is key. I’ve waited tables if we have a snowstorm. I’ve been here for a 48-hour stretch if we have an emergency.
Just make sure that the employees know that you’re there.
How to reach: Friendship Village of South Hills, (724) 941-3100 or www.friendshipvillagepa.com