It’s that time again.
It’s hard to believe that this is the fourth year that SBN Magazine will be selecting its Pittsburgh Pacesetters. When the choosing is all said and done, we will have named more than 100 Pacesetters since we initiated the program in 2000.
If you’ve followed the Pacesetters program in the past, you know it hasn’t been based on a uniform nomination process. We’ve invited and welcomed anyone to submit a nomination in practically any form for the Pacesetters, but we haven’t made it a competition. And that’s not going to change.
Consistent with the belief that the very best ideas and processes come from our readers, the region’s business owners and leaders, our approach this year was borne out of our experience in 2002. We were repeatedly and pleasantly impressed last year with the quality of the nominees and the time and effort that went into the packages of information submitted on their behalf.
It was not unusual to find a 10-page package in our mailbox, complete with photos and supportive documentation that clearly and comprehensively made the case for a nominee. That led us to believe that, given the opportunity, those who do the nominating could provide us with the very best supportive data on which to base our decisions.
What’s different this year is that we have come up with a standard nomination form, available online, that will help you provide the kind of information that will assist us in making our choices. We think it will help you in articulating why your nominee deserves to be named as a Pacesetter, and will prove less cumbersome than having to collect myriad documents and assemble them into a hard copy package.
To nominate your candidate for Pacesetter, go to and fill out the nomination form, or send your Pacesetter candidate’s name and supportive documentation to: Ray Marano, SBN Magazine, 11632 Frankstown Road, #313, Pittsburgh, PA 15235 by Nov. 15.
I strongly suggest you review the online form, even if you plan to mail your nomination to us, just to get an idea of the information that we are seeking.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you.