Moving forward

Q. How do you handle it
when employees don’t hit their

In most cases, they may not
be aware or may not have
clearly identified the root
cause of the problem.

When scores come in or
when we see a trend or a lack
of productivity, we’ll review
that with the employee. If it
gets to a point where it’s
becoming a problem, we’ve
got a formal program that
we’ll put in place that will
allow the manager to give the
employee more focused
retraining with 30-, 60- and 90-day timelines for that employee to improve performance.
The program is targeted to
areas in which the employee
needs to improve.

We’ve got a lot of people,
and we haven’t had to implement [the retraining program]
very often, but when we have,
it allows the employee to
know we’re giving them the
opportunity to improve and
not just cutting bait.

There is a formal review
process twice a year. The key
is constant communication
throughout the year. Those
two formal periods, once in
June and once in December,
serve as a platform to talk in
deeper detail about your
issues and review your goals.
Everybody has goals set up at
the beginning of the year.
Those are reviewed monthly,
quarterly and formally during
the review process.

HOW TO REACH: Andrews Moving and Storage, (330) 656-8700 or