Do you dread making financial presentations to board members or senior executives? Here are a few tips to make them less of an ordeal.
Kimberly Griffith, a CPA with Alpern, Rosenthal & Co., says there are ways to make these events less traumatic for you and more meaningful for your audience:
Prepare thoroughly. You’ll find that adequate preparation will have the added benefit of giving you more confidence.
Hold yourself to a time limit and keep track of the time. Avoid racing to finish.
Avoid early mornings, after lunch or the end of the day for your presentation.
Demonstrate energy and enthusiasm. Spice up your presentation with graphs and charts.
Don’t overwhelm the audience with detail. Less is usually more, says Griffith.
She also suggests you explain financial terms your audience may not be familiar with. Also, make educational tools, such as videotapes, study guides, books and pamphlets, available to senior staffers.
Ray Marano