Michael Fetsko encourages innovation

Michael Fetsko, vice president of the Americas regions, Bombardier Transportation, Systems Division
Michael Fetsko, vice president of the Americas regions, Bombardier Transportation, Systems Division

The Fetsko file

Michael Fetsko
vice president, Americas regions
Bombardier Transportation, Systems Division

Born: Pittsburgh
Education: Bachelor of arts degree and a master of science degree both in environmental sciences, from the University of Virginia; master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Pittsburgh
What was your first job out of college, and what did you learn from it?
My first job out of college was working for a company called Ensr, and I worked as a geologist. They were an environmental engineering consulting firm. What I learned was how important it is for projects to meet their deadlines and their goals. I also got a lot of chances to travel and meet with customers.
What is the best piece of business advice you’ve received?
The best advice is the importance of relationships and developing relationships in your business, both with internal customers and external customers, and having that face time with them. People really appreciate that level of interaction versus conversing through phone or e-mail.
If you could choose one person, past or present, to have a conversation with, whom would you speak to and why?
Going back to my athletic days of playing football for the University of Virginia, one person I would really like to have a conversation with would be Lou Holtz. I have read some of his books and I am a fan of his style of leadership and what he has been able to accomplish as a football coach and what he has been able to accomplish with people who have played for him and passing on the values he’s lived by.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
If I could have a crystal ball and I could see into the future of what’s going to happen, that would probably help, as far as being able to make the right decisions and growing the business.