Professional services and banking
Bill Ayars and Larry Fischer considered waiting to open a new office for Perspectus Architecture in Columbus, as the economy continues to be tough in Ohio and no one would have questioned a cautious approach.
But that’s not the way this duo does business. And it’s not the way that the company’s founding principals built their architectural firm, which focuses on the health care industry. Instead, Ayars and Fischer have succeeded by tackling challenges head on and showing their tenacity in a way that makes it contagious for their employees.
The pair had worked together for more than 20 years before they decided to take the plunge and start their own business in 2001. Both men love what they do and felt that they could transfer that passion to their own organization and to the employees that they would hire.
They grew their company slowly, making sure that they made smart decisions and attracted the right clients and employees to take the company forward. Both Ayars and Fischer wanted their business to stand out from the competition by proving that they had modern solutions for modern problems and could work with clients to produce state-of-the-art work. And by staying small, the staff can stay agile and efficient, and react quickly to change.
Employees work hard, but they also enjoy spending time together, and the leaders constantly work to be the best and to help employees continually strive for improvement.
The company also makes an effort to contribute to charitable causes. Ayars is a cancer survivor and recently raised money for Community West Foundation by securing pledges for the number of miles his family jet-skied down the Mississippi River. Fischer is a biking enthusiast and raised money for The Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital.
Both men also support the involvement of Perspectus principal Peter Bohan in Northeast Ohio’s Habitat for Humanity program.
How to reach: Perspectus Architecture, (216) 752-1800 or