Hitting the nail on the head
I found you guys on the Web. Great article [From the Editor column, June 2000]. Amazing how those two days can truly be summed up with “we just want to be left alone.” You really hit the nail on the head.
I was amazed by the total apathy of the congressional aides as well. You’d think that, if the congressmen were unable to meet with us, they would make sure that their staffers would know what our issues are and how the congressmen stand on them.
Brenda Stumpf,
Stumpf Moving and Storage
Editor’s Note: Brenda Stumpf was among the business owners who joined SMC Business Councils on the recent bus trip to Washington, D.C.
To you and your staff at SBN, keep up the good work. I really enjoy reading your magazine.
Jay Aronson
A slice of humble pie
Yes, we can spell. Unfortunately, we missed the rather large title word on the cover of our special June supplement in our copy proofing efforts.
It should have stated, “2000 Entrepreneur’s Growth Guide.” Just thought you should know. And for those of you who didn’t even notice, bless you.
Daniel Bates
I agree
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated your article, “Who Do You Trust,” in the June issue of SBN. It is good to know that others understand the importance of keeping God in the marketplace.
Cecelia Marano
National City Bank
Good work
Outstanding editorial! It was refreshing to hear another person “say my thoughts.” Your publication is consistently first-class and informative. Keep up the great work.
Andrew Cross,
Williams Coulson Johnson Lloyd Parker & Tedesco
Yeah, but what about ISO 9000?
Your article titled “Think Global, but … ” [June 2000 SBN] left out one important item from the checklist of things to do: gaining ISO 9000 certification.
Certification is big in Europe, much bigger than in the U.S.A., where many companies see it as a waste of time. European companies are beginning to demand that their overseas vendors be certified. They see it as a quality control issue.
American companies complain that certification takes too long and costs too much. But that is not necessarily the case. Consultants are beginning to cut the time and costs and increase the benefits by linking ISO 9000 certification to a company’s regular quality control program.
For companies hoping to compete globally, ISO 9000 certification is an advantage. Before long, it will be a necessity.
Peter Minck
Don Aux Associates
Hasbrouck Heights, N..J.
Classic moral principles
What a powerful article, the type of which one rarely sees in a business publication, and especially in these politically correct times. I am referring to [Fred Koury’s] “Who do you Trust” (June 2000) commentary. It’s heartening to see business practices based on classic moral principles. Good work.
Charles A. Byrne, The Burne Group
Cleveland Heights, Ohio