Don’t try to do it all yourself
Sasso says it’s not hard for him to delegate a task.
“I have to delegate everything I can delegate because there are manythings I can’t delegate, so I have my hands full doing those things,” hesays.
“It’s easy to identify the things that only I can handle, at least in a lawfirm, because all of our attorneys are busy practicing law. Only I amcharged with dealing with a lot of the big-picture issues that our firmhas to confront. I can’t delegate those issues, which involve issues ofstrategy or positioning the firm, and that takes up an awful lot of mytime — issues relating to our growth. Other attorneys in the firm, andreally most managers in the firm, have a full plate dealing with otherissues, and I have to free up my time to deal with those matters thatno one else is dealing with. I will delegate everything I can that mightotherwise fall on my plate, as long as somebody else in the firm is ableto handle those responsibilities well.”
If you are having trouble delegating work to those around you,Sasso recommends lining up your priorities and being honest withyourself.
“I would suggest making a list of the most important things that person has to address in order, and then being very honest about howmany of those things you can reasonably do,” he says. “Chances areyou are not going to get very far down that list. You have to delegateeverything else. You get tempted all the time to do things that otherpeople can do or should do or can do better, and you have to resistthat temptation.”
Sasso tries to spend most of his time supporting the organization’sstrongest practices and dealing with the organization’s greatest opportunities.
“But I obviously care about all of our attorneys and all of our practice groups and do try to be aware of what’s going on throughout thefirm,” he says. “Some of our practice groups just have a lot more activity and provide more opportunity and also warrant more attention.”
Even though Sasso has no problem delegating work to allow him tofocus on big-picture ideas, he does monitor what he delegates.
“I do try to monitor what is happening throughout the firm,” hesays. “We have regular managers meetings, and I will talk to peoplethroughout the firm from time to time to make sure I have a senseof how they’re doing and how our different practice groups and different offices and functions are doing.”
Sasso says he has stepped over the line and may have gotten tooinvolved in a situation where he delegated, but that’s when lettinghis guard down comes into play. Those around him are free to tellhim when he is interfering.
“I always encourage others in the firm to be honest with me,” hesays. “I will ask them as we are working on matters togetherabout whether I’m being helpful or whether I am interfering.
“I have frequent discussions with our managers about what rolesthey can play and what roles I should play. So, we try to keep fairly open communication about that. “Nonetheless, I’m sure thereare occasions where others feel I am stepping on their toes andsome occasions where others feel I am not helping enough.”
While not everyone may let Sasso know if he is meddling too
much, he realizes that if he focuses on his priority list, those jobswill keep him busy.
“I’m sure there are some occasions where people feel uncomfortable raising that with me,” he says. “But most of this is takencare of simply by the dictates of time. There’s only so much I cando. So, there’s only so much I can meddle in what other people do.”
Overall, delegating responsibilities and allowing employees tohave input on ideas has helped make Sasso’s job easier and hashelped the organization grow.
“These lawyers and key staff people really help grow the firm,help make sure we provide the best possible service to our clients,help us identify and seize opportunities,” he says. “These peopleare self-starters; they provide a lot of input into decisions that wemake as a firm. If I try to map out all by myself where we’re goingas a firm and what we’re doing as a firm, I might come up withsome good ideas. But, it never fails to be the case that when I pulltogether some of our top people on any issue we are dealing with,we come out with a better decision than I would make alone.”