Learning to lead

Give your employees responsibility.
You’ve got to let people lead.

Sometimes you have to step
aside and let it happen. Otherwise, people will never grow.

For example, one of my
guys I had teach leadership
because if you’re teaching it,
you’re going to learn it. So I
had him teach it so he would
become a better leader.

One of the skills of a successful business leader is
finding the right people. How
do you do that?

I’ve done it mostly over
time. You see what people do
and you see the energy that
they have and the effort that
they put forward.

A lot of people have the talent and ability, but if you
find people that you respect,
that are very responsible,
people that can lead and do
it on their own without me, that’s who I look for.

Understand that each employee is

You need to understand people — that people
are all unique — and you have
to treat people differently.

The more you get to know
people, the more that makes
them be unique — when you
meet with people face to
face, when they become a
person versus just an
employee number.

As we’ve grown, it can get a
lot easier to not know everybody. If you don’t know them,
then they’re almost like a
chess piece. But you can’t
treat people like that.

Sometimes you have to
make decisions based like
people are chess pieces, but then you’ve got to go back and
look at the reality and evaluate
your situation and deal with
people as human beings.