At Forest City Enterprises Inc., one ofthe core values is community involvement, and Allan Krulak embodies thisideal more than anybody. As vice president and director of community affairsfor the company, he leads the way inshowing the organization and the community how to give back.
Within his company, he leads theForest City Enterprises CharitableFoundation. Through this organization,the foundation has made 283 gifts totaling $21 million to nonprofits, and morethan 75 percent of those organizationsare here in Greater Cleveland.
He has also become the drivingforce behind the company’s annualCommunity Day effort. On this dayevery year, the company’s associatesaround the country get outside of theoffice and away from their everydayresponsibilities in order to volunteer intheir communities. As a result of hisefforts, this year resulted in 3,600 volunteer hours donated to variousNortheast Ohio organizations and morethan 13,500 hours nationally.
Krulak also serves as the liaisonbetween Forest City and the UnitedWay Services of Greater Cleveland andleads the company’s annual corporatecampaign. He has succeeded in makingthat campaign larger with each passingyear through his drive and creativity.Last year, Forest City contributed about$835,000 to the United Way, whichbrought it in as the sixth-largest corporate campaign in Cuyahoga County.
Despite all of his efforts within theorganization, he hasn’t stopped thereeither. Krulak gives his time and energy to other organizations, as well, byserving on several boards in the area,including, the Downtown ClevelandAlliance and the Cleveland ZoologicalSociety, among others.
Additionally, as a board member andchair emeritus of Shoes and Clothes for Kids, he’s been instrumental in growingthe organization from its grassrootsbeginnings to a large organization thatdistributes more than $2 million worthof new clothing items and gift cards to25,000 children in need. His passion andenthusiasm for the organization hashelped in attracting and recruitingother strong leaders to the organization, as well, which helps maintain forward momentum in growing the organization.
HOW TO REACH: Forest City Enterprises Inc., (216) 621-6060or