Communicate. A visual aid is
helpful in conveying a vision to
employees. A leader needs to
talk about the vision all the time.
The more you talk about the
vision and test it against decisions that are made, the more
clarity you get. It’s an evolving
process. The core vision stays
the same. You just get a deeper
understanding of what it means
to live the vision the more you
put it to work.
The best way to reinforce the
vision is to ensure every decision you make is congruent
with the vision.
Give people time to align with the
vision. Be patient. Give people
time to align themselves to that
vision, because you just don’t
pronounce a vision and everybody jumps on board. It takes a
lot of repetition and a lot of
communication in different
ways for it to take hold.
Each person is different. Some
people will accept the vision
immediately as they will see the
benefits to both the company
and themselves. Perhaps, most
people fall into the category of
waiting to see if the vision is
lasting and determine what is in
it for them. This takes about
two years. After two years,
there will still be a portion of the
organization, say 10 to 20 percent, that will remain skeptical.
After two years, however, these
folks will begin to select out of
the company.
There will, of course, be the
approximately 5 percent of people who will always see the company in adversarial terms.
HOW TO REACH: Veterinary Pet Insurance Co., (714) 989-0555 or