Kickstart your client experience initiative

Eighty-nine percent of customers say they would become loyal, repeat customers after experiencing a positive client experience (CX). Yet, many business leaders still ask, “Is developing a CX program really worth the effort?” My answer is simple: “Yes! Start small and dream big.” Let’s talk about how to kickstart your CX initiative.

Why start your cx journey?

Why? The answer is: your customers. Eighty percent of customers value a positive experience as much as the product or service they purchase. We see this play out with companies like Amazon, Netflix and Apple, who excel in understanding and exceeding customer expectations. But you don’t need to be a mega-brand to build the same loyal customer base.

Where do you begin?

Your journey begins with assembling a dynamic group of high-potential, cross-functional members to lead your CX efforts. Task them to define what your company’s exceptional client experience looks like. With a clear vision and strong leadership support, they can lead and energize your CX.

Customer feedback:
‘Listen’ to their voices

The heart of a successful CX program lies in understanding your customers’ needs, preferences and challenges. Engage your CX team to select a baseline group of customers and start collecting data. Here’s how:

ν  Start with surveys like Net Promoter Score or post-project feedback forms to establish a foundational understanding.

ν  Conduct insightful interviews with key customer stakeholders. A neutral third party can facilitate insightful conversations, listening closely to customer feedback on products/services and ideas for improvement.

ν  Stay connected by following and engaging your customers directly on social media.

ν  Monitor customer feedback on platforms like Google Reviews to gather insights.

ν  Form a customer advisory panel to learn from and to collaborate with your CX Champions and leadership.

ν  Express gratitude for customer feedback and reassure them of your commitment to understand their input.

ν  Explore gathering customer sentiment through AI in future CX strategies.

Uncover insights: Data analysis

Don’t just collect the data. Analyze it. Understand your customers’ feedback and integrate it to develop an enhanced CX.

ν  Empower your CX champions to analyze baseline data, uncovering customer expectations and experiences.

ν  Establish a feedback loop to share customer insights across the organization.

ν  Define and implement a quick resolution process for issues identified.

ν  Eventually, move beyond baseline data to track key metrics like Customer Satisfaction Scores, Customer Effort Scores and Customer Lifetime Value.

Empower your team

Employees are on the front line with your customers. They are your ambassadors and are the ones who drive an exceptional customer experience. Start here.

ν  Utilize customer baseline data to customize training programs focused on customer service.

ν  Conduct annual employee surveys to gather insights for enhancing the client experience.

ν  Highlighting each team member’s role in the CX program helps to foster a customer-centric culture.

ν  Celebrate monthly milestones and successes in delivering exceptional customer service.

Kickstarting a CX program is easier than you think — embrace the CX essentials above and you make will make a difference. Start small and dream BIG! 

Judy Bodenhamer is founder and managing director of Client Experience Group 

Judy Bodenhamer

Founder and Managing Director 


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