How Joe Gingo leads A. Schulman to new heights with a fact-based approach

The Gingo File
Joe Gingo
chairman, president and CEO
A. Schulman Inc.
Born: Akron
Education: Bachelor’s in chemical engineering, Case Western Reserve University; J.D. University of Akron; master’s in business management, Sloan Fellowship program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What is the best business advice you’ve received?
It was a quote that I got in a training course, and it’s my No. 1 principle. It said, ‘The first job of a leader is to define reality. The second job of a leader is to provide guidance and support. The last job of a leader is to say thank you.’
Gingo on empowering employees: I always tell people who work directly with me, ‘Look, if I have to do your job for you, I have a tremendous cost-cutting program in mind and it doesn’t involve me.’ You really send a message. That doesn’t mean you can’t come talk to me, that doesn’t mean you can’t ask advice from me. But in the end, I’m not going to make your decision for you.
I remember some boss saying, ‘Here’s what I want you to do.’ The employee would come back and, fundamentally if you listened real close, what they said to the boss was, ‘Your plan failed, what would you like me to do next?’
They were never accountable; they always just did what the boss said. I won’t allow it.
I’ll tell people, ‘In this situation, here are some of the things I’ve done in the past. But, in the end, it’s your decision. I’m not going to make this decision for you.’
*Editor’s Note: As of June 2015, Joseph Gingo is Chairman of the Board at A. Schulman Inc.