Innovative solutions

With an online solution, customers of Great Lakes Integrated can digitally manage marketing and brand-building resources from their desktops.

Introduced in 1999, AKSESS is an Internet-based solution that allows GLI’s clients to create and manage marketing and brand-building resources. The service gives the printing company’s clients a way to create their own marketing materials, data sheets, presentations and packaging from their desktops.

“(AKSESS) is becoming the leading approach to our business now with our customers,” says GLI’s chairman and CEO Jim Schultz. “It’s driving our distribution business as well as driving our print business today by our clients having the ability of going to an online system and being able to place print as well as being able to place distribution orders.”

The client logs into the AKSESS system and is presented with a series of easy-to-follow options to help assemble their marketing materials. The end product is then digitally shipped to GLPrint to be printed and delivered by GLDirect, both divisions of GLI.

Before AKSESS, GLI was limited in the amount of offerings for clients and methods in which orders were generated. With the implementation of AKSESS, Schultz says GLI has become a business partner with his clients.

“One of the things that I really believe in is consistency,” Schultz says. ” … It takes a tremendous amount of capital to build a technology business but if you’re consistent with your approach and you listen to your customers, that to me is the reason that AKSESS has been so successful. You really have to know what you’re trying to build and for what purpose, and the purpose has got to be to assist in our customers’ profitability.”


Great Lakes Integrated, (216) 651-1500 or