HR is evolving as companies increase usage of analytics

The increased use of analytics has changed the face of human resources, using an approach driven by data to manage people at work. This approach is called by different names, including people analytics and talent analytics.

Regardless of the label, you have the ability to use data to answer crucial questions about your organization to analyze any people problems brewing and make better decisions. Information to be analyzed can come from internal and external sources, including employee demographics, payroll data, social media, performance appraisals, population censuses, information about the labor market and competitive set data from like-minded, similarly situated companies.

Analytics can help HR identify factors that employers may not immediately think of as crucial that may be very important issues and deal-breakers for employees in those roles. These include individual goals, workspace configuration, location, personal space, work/life balance, candid assessments and communication, career path and growth opportunities, and workplace recognition.

Utilization of analytics can help companies bring into focus what the future of their workforce will look like. You’ll get a better understanding of your employee base and learn how to do more for and with your greatest asset — your people. Survey companies can adapt established surveys to your location, providing hundreds of metrics involving workforce productivity, success and growth plans, recruiting and hiring practices, employee turnover, workforce diversity and inclusion, general human resources costs and strategies, organizational structure, benefits, compensation, leadership, talent management and more.

Peer group performance can be evaluated to see how your organization compares to others in your competitive set. Are others inching ahead of yours? Evaluating your progress quarterly and annually enables you to see emerging behavior patterns.

Data analytics can provide a baseline view of the workforce to help you make decisions about your organization’s future. Data can help you ascertain whether the picture you have in your mind of the state of your organization matches the reality. Are there gender divisions, ethnic divisions, or differing concerns among employees with different ages or length of tenure with the company to address?

Artificial intelligence can assist with information gathering regarding employee engagement, company culture, management and leadership, entrance and exit surveys, diversity, equity and inclusion, and performance management assessments. AI can help improve efficiency and productivity, accelerate the pace, enhance capabilities and lead to expansion, improve customer service and monitoring, improve quality, reduce human errors and lead to better talent management. When employee listening opportunities include questions related to the company culture, leadership and the work environment, rather than relying on annual census data alone, everyone wins.

Analytics can confirm to leadership that an issue exists that they’ve tried to ignore, despite employees bringing it to their attention. A survey may show employees are satisfied with everything related to their jobs, yet they may universally and repeatedly rate their supervisor as subpar. Data has a tale to tell as a genuine coaching opportunity, or acknowledgement that parting ways with one ill-fitting leader is for the greater good.

The gas tank icon on your vehicle’s dashboard warns you when you’re running low on fuel so you don’t run out of gas. Utilizing analytics to gain as much insight about your company as possible will help you avoid stalling your progress and let you cruise ahead more confidently. ●

Michele Cuthbert is CEO and creator at Baker Creative

Michele Cuthbert

CEO and creator


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