How to evaluate your technology needs to get the most for your money

You know that you need technology to compete in today’s fast-paced business world, but the problem is that you don’t necessarily understand the ever-changing technology. And you definitely don’t understand the tech-speak that service providers throw at you.

However, if you evaluate your business and determine exactly what you do and how you do it, all of the technology won’t seem so technological. And, if you work with a quality provider — one that emphasizes solutions and not just bells and whistles — your technology decisions will become even easier, says Laura Hetrick, a sales engineer with Time Warner Cable Business Class.

“When shopping for a business communication solution, identify your goals, make a priority list of those goals and determine your budget,” says Hetrick. “But, don’t fall into the trap that the lowest cost is always the best. Reliability is always more important than cost.”

There are a lot of service providers, so Hetrick recommends thoroughly interviewing at least three before you make any decisions. And before you buy anything, make sure that the provider will be able to offer the best solution for your business — today, tomorrow and into the future.

Smart Business spoke with Hetrick about business communication solutions, how to evaluate your needs and how to make sure you only buy what you truly need.

How can a business evaluate its technology needs?

First and foremost, make sure you are organized. Often, the people in a company who are responsible for purchasing technology are not the same people who are responsible for maintaining and using that technology. Make sure everyone is on the same page, and make sure you have buy-in at every level.

Also, have a clear, concise view of what you want and what you need. Define your priorities. What do you absolutely need, and what would just be nice to have? Look at your expenses: Where are you spending money, and why are you spending it? Are you getting value for what you’re paying?

Technology changes day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. If you’re not getting exactly what you need, when you need it, you’re wasting more money than you think.

Finally, don’t get caught up in buzzwords. Just because you’re reading or hearing about something like VoIP doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for your business.

Evaluate the cost, technology and productivity benefits before making a decision. Maybe the latest and greatest technology will change the way you do business, or maybe it will just be something cool your tech guys will play with.

What are the consequences of jumping into hot new technology without considering the implications?

It’s easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest technologies, but besides buying something you don’t really need, you could end up spending way more than you bargained for. You could buy a new technology or service, but if your servers and equipment aren’t prepared to handle it, you’re going to spend money on infrastructure upgrades.

By all means, improve your systems and upgrade your technology needs, but make sure the solutions you buy are scalable. Any solution you implement has to be effective and efficient from both a cost and usage perspective.