How can you decide which route would be best for your company and particular hiring need?
Consider the following:
- What is your budget for this hiring?
- Is there a viable candidate already established within your company?
- Is your company in need of new ideas and fresh perspectives?
- How will company morale be affected by an internal or external hiring decision?
Each company will have different answers to these questions and careful thought will ensure that an informed decision has been made. If you are on a tight budget, internal hiring would be the most cost-effective solution. An internal hire generally does not require a large monetary investment, other than a possible salary increase. Costs such as advertising, screening and more in-depth training would need to be planned and budgeted for if you choose to hire from outside the company. You also need to prepare for a training period and allocate necessary staff for either promoting from within or hiring from outside.
How can you deal with any backlash if you decide to recruit from outside the company?
Careful planning can neutralize the potential for unhappy employees. Post the position both internally and externally for a reasonable period of time, and make the job description as specific as possible. Make sure all skills, education and requirements for the position are outlined carefully. Interested employees may initially feel like they are qualified for the position, but may decide to include or preclude themselves after being presented with well-written qualifications. Be open-minded; an internal employee may be qualified and should be considered, as well, for the position. Establish trial periods, set reasonable goals and plan an evaluation at the end of the probation period. This allows you to cite an impartial process and feel confident in your decision if backlash does occur.
Bringing new people in or moving someone internally can affect company morale, both positively and negatively. You can’t control people’s feelings. You can minimize the impact by making fair hiring decisions and making sure the management team is proactive and addresses negativity with positive statements.
How do you make sure employees are well-trained and prepared so you are able to promote from within?
Cross-train and reward your talented and committed employees. Don’t let talent go to waste. You would be foolish to dismiss an employee’s initiative if he or she is interested in learning a new skill. Mentoring also establishes a culture of teamwork and preparation. Offering reimbursement and recognition for the completion of relevant continuing education classes will encourage employees to sharpen and maintain their skills.
Michelle Elson is the corporate director of operations at Ashton Staffing. Reach her at [email protected] or (770) 419-1776.