How stop-loss coverage can protect your business from catastrophic claims

How can an employer determine whether it should purchase stop-loss coverage?
It is critical for employers to understand their risk tolerance and determine how much they can tolerate paying out without creating a cash flow issue. How easy is it to fund a $500,000 claim month when claims generally run $100,000 per month? Once that is determined, they can purchase the contract that provides them the appropriate protection.
In what other ways within the contract can employers share risk to keep the premium down?
One way is an ‘aggregating-specific,’ or ‘split-funded specific,’ contract and the other is a ‘tiered,’ or ‘coinsurance,’ contract. With an aggregating-specific/split-funded contract, the employer shares in the risk for a reduction in premium. The employer will accept claims up to the specific deductible and will accept additional claim liability generally equal to a 20 to 30 percent premium reduction. If the employer has no claims over its specific deductible during the year, it saves the amount of the aggregating deductible. If there is a claim in excess of the specific deductible, it is paid by the employer until the aggregating deductible is exhausted and the carrier pays the remainder. With a tiered/coinsurance contract, the employer agrees to share in more risk after the specific deductible has been exceeded for a reduction in premium. Once the specific has been exceeded, the employer may take on a reduced percentage of claims above the deductible up to a specified dollar amount, after which the carrier accepts all risk.
What potential pitfalls should employers be aware of when switching plans?
The first year an employer switches to a self-funded plan, claims incurred but not paid when it moved are the responsibility of the fully insured carrier. So instead of 12 months of claims for that first self-funded plan year, the employer has only nine to 10 months. The stop-loss rates and contract are referred to as immature and are discounted up to 20 percent. The second-year rate increase will look very high because the rate is increasing by trend and the additional 20 percent because of a full claim year. Employers should purchase complementary contracts to prevent gaps in coverage.
How is health care reform affecting stop-loss coverage?
The most immediate impact is the change requiring benefit plans to have unlimited lifetime maximums. The stop-loss contract generally duplicates the benefit plan maximum, so when unlimited lifetime maximums were implemented, carriers struggled to determine the financial impact on their rates.  Stop-loss contracts should be reviewed to make sure the maximum reimbursement matches the employer’s maximum and the carrier hasn’t put a cap on the maximum. That would leave the employer at risk once the reimbursement maximum has been exceeded. We are also finding large employers that never had stop loss request very high specific deductibles because of the unlimited lifetime maximum.
Donna Cowden is Senior Vice President, Aon Hewitt Health & Benefits. Reach her at (336) 728-2316 or [email protected].
Candice Mill is the Senior Vice President of Aon Risk Solutions, Health & Benefits. Reach her at [email protected] or (412) 263-6387.
Daniel D’Alessandro is the Regional Managing Director of Aon Risk Solutions. Reach him at  [email protected] or (412) 594-7515.