How litigation time capsules can help a company minimize legal risk

Why are litigation time capsules so important for businesses to have now?
Today, the need for ready access to key information years after the milestone has been achieved is made all the more critical by two fairly recent developments. First, the ready availability of inexpensive and potentially limitless electronic storage means that those tasked with responding when litigation has been brought are confronted with a veritable ocean of potentially relevant materials that may be stored on hard drives, servers, backup discs, external drives, flash drives, cloud storage and the like. Second, the increasingly rootless nature of company personnel frequently means that those who were responsible for key decisions or who possess information necessary to effectively respond to the litigation are no longer with the company and not readily available to discuss these issues. As a result, capturing the most relevant materials and having immediate insight into the thinking at the time are essential.
What are the consequences of not appreciating these risks?
Now, perhaps more than ever, successful companies have to confront the fact that the litigation target is on their backs at all times, and have to build this sensibility into their culture by making it part of standard operating procedure. The failure to do so means the company will find itself forced to make key strategic decisions based on whatever information those charged with formulating the response were able to cobble together in the often highly compressed time frames found in the litigation context — after that the company will be largely locked into those early strategic decisions. That’s why litigation time capsules work so well: you can wrap your head around lawsuits and respond to them as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Kevin M. Zielke is a member and the practice group leader for the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Litigation practice group at Dykema Gossett PLLC. Reach him at (313) 568-6908 or [email protected].