How Kevin Schnieders brings out the best in employees at Educational Data Systems

Kevin Schneiders
Kevin Schneiders, CEO, Educational Data Systems Inc.

Kevin Schnieders makes sure that his employees at Educational Data Systems Inc. (EDSI) don’t just know the company’s core values – “show up, smile and support one another” – but that they live them every day. He believes his company’s success and growth are a direct result of effort EDSI makes to inspire its people by helping them find purpose and value in the work they do every day.
Since becoming CEO four years ago, Schnieders has increased revenue 35 percent, added seven new offices and diversified ESDI’s business offerings even further to broaden the direction for the company and transform it into a top provider of human resources and employment solutions for government and business organizations.
He attributes this growth to a strong bottom-line performance but more so to the company’s focus on creating a high-performance culture where employees feel valued and driven to excel. Internally, Schnieders works to make sure that his employees are using their strengths while finding fulfillment in their responsibilities. His goal is that every employee has a job that is energizing 90 percent of the time.
To realize this culture, ESDI implements strength-based training and assessment tests to evaluate employees’ individual motivators and traits. Instead of firing employees who are struggling, Schnieders makes an effort to determine whether they are just not in the right role and whether they could be a better fit elsewhere in the company. In the last two years, 12 ESDI employees have moved to different positions. By bringing out the strengths of his employees and helping them become fully engaged in their work, Schnieders creates a culture of top performers who drive ESDI every day.
How to reach: Educational Data Systems Inc., (313) 271-2660 or