How employers can help employees lessen the impact of asthma

What steps can employers take to create a healthy work environment?
Asthma can be triggered by a number of things that the employer can impact. Make sure that the workplace is clean and free of triggers such as cockroaches and mice, which can be present in businesses such as restaurants; mold and mildew, which can occur in damp or poorly ventilated areas; and dust mites, which can occur in businesses that have carpeting and upholstered furniture.
When clearing the workplace of these triggers, take care when choosing cleaning chemicals and air sprays, as they can pose an equal danger to those suffering from asthma. Also, make sure that the workplace is well vented, as workplaces that use diesel engines or that run manufacturing lines risk releasing dangerous triggers into the air.

How can helping employees cope with asthma benefit employers?

Employers benefit by helping employees remain healthy and productive. Each day, about 40,000 employees miss work due to asthma, either because they are battling uncontrolled symptoms or because they must stay home to care for a sick child. Either way, that accounts for hundreds of thousands of hours of lost productivity.
Research indicates that employers spend an average of 2.5 times more per year on employees with asthma versus on those who don’t have it. In 2007, the estimated cost for care for asthma patients was nearly $20 billion, with nearly a quarter of that spent on visits to the hospital that might have been avoided with proper preventive care.
In addition to the direct costs, employers also incur indirect costs through short-term disability claims, absent employees or those who are present at work but are performing at subpar levels due to their health condition.
Also, employers can benefit greatly by educating employees about their illness. Studies show that every dollar invested in asthma education results in a return on investment of between $1.52 and $9.84, in addition to the returns resulting from the reduced use of health care services and a reduction in absenteeism.
Employers also reap the rewards of intangible benefits, such as improved employee morale and loyalty, which can help retain employees and provide an incentive when recruiting new employees. For employers, it just makes sense to help employees battle the symptoms of asthma, with great returns for both parties.
Julie Sich is the health promotions coordinator for SummaCare, Inc. Reach her at (330) 996-8779 or [email protected]. SummaCare offers a full line of health plans and ancillary products. Through its extensive network of more than 7,000 providers and more than 50 hospitals, SummaCare offers coverage to more than 115,000 members throughout northern Ohio.