Q. How do you define
We define success four
ways: One way is growth.
If we’re not growing, we
don’t view ourselves as
being successful. That’s
everything from top-line
to bottom-line growth.
The second thing is loyalty. That’s the loyalty of
our internal employees,
our customers, our associates and vendor partners.
The third one is the ability to attract other successful people to Hire Dynamics, whether
that be employees or clients.
Finally, top-of-mind awareness.
In terms of recruiting or staffing
services, is Hire Dynamics the
name you think of first? Is that
with a positive connotation?
Q. How do you attract quality
people and build loyalty?
In the early days, it was about
selling the vision and having people buy in to it because you don’t
have the track record of performance. Over time, as you have
that track record of performance and you have that name
recognition, it becomes easier.
In terms of retaining, that’s
about building the culture.
We’ve built a good culture
where we are a fun place to
work. Each generation out there
has been attracted to different
things, but we definitely like to
position ourselves as a fun company to work for. We work hard
but have a lot of fun.
We very much invest in training. We make sure that every individual within our organization gets 40 hours of outside
training on an annual basis.
That’s part of our performance measurements; that individual
has a responsibility to ensure
that happens.
We recognize people and
reward loyalty. Every person
within our organization gets
something for each year they’ve
been with the company. For
example, when you get to five
years at Hire Dynamics, every
individual gets a Rolex watch.
It’s a way to preach the importance of loyalty. With our Rolex
club, people look forward to
Q. How do you develop topof-mind awareness?
It certainly doesn’t happen
overnight. We have been around
for seven years. In developing
top-of-mind awareness, it helps
that we’re very good at PR and
getting our name out there.
We’ve been a fast-growing company, so seeing our name in
print a good bit has helped that
top-of-mind awareness.
The easiest way to develop
that is the concept of paying it
forward. You focus on what’s in
it for the other person and try to
achieve that, rather than just trying to get something from yourself upfront.
Here’s an example: In the
recruiting/staffing space in
Atlanta alone, there are 500
companies that do what we do.
There aren’t a lot of barriers to
entry, so when somebody has
the need for staffing and recruiting, part of who they decide will
be which company is top of
mind. What company do they
think of?
It could be either through a
positive experience or by hearing somebody talk about the
company or if they saw it in
HOW TO REACH: Hire Dynamics LLC, (678) 482-8041 or www.hiredynamics.com