Help them help you

Q. How do you start getting other people that involved?

You need to take the time to do the one-on-one communication with your people. Take the time to sit down and talk with them. Just say, ‘I would like to spend more time with you. Let’s talk about some different ways we can do that.’

It kind of evolves from there. When you schedule it and do it, it does not take a lot of time to transform the depth of the relationship. We are so guilty of being so busy that we do not always put first things first. Relationships are really important. It shows the employee that you really do care and that you really do want to get to know your team.

I have one young MBA who played football for (The Ohio State University). We schedule a monthly lunch and it is an agenda that just builds on itself. I am his mentor, but it is really up to him to dictate the agenda. It is really fun.

Q. What are some keys to keeping people once you have them in the right spot?

There are reasons why people either stay or leave. The first one is that they like who they work with. There is a camaraderie that they feel. ‘I enjoy working with you guys.’ There is a caring and a friendship.

The second key is the ability to grow. It is the ability to increase skills and knowledge and the chance to grow in their career. They want to have the actual chance to make a difference and be given responsibility.

People need to feel like they are cared for and feel like people love them and care about them as a person. They need stability. They also need to have hope for the future, faith and guidance that this person is going to help them.

Q. What is the key to making this all work?

Make an effort to go find great leaders. Strong teams are magnets for talent. If you have not spent the time with your people to build trust and compassion and those relationship things, you need to do it.

You have to do the one-on-one relationships. If someone is really good in a particular area, say, ‘You are really good at strategic thinking, could you help me? Could you prepare something for the next meeting?’

Most effective leaders surround themselves with the right people and then maximize the skills of their team. The best leaders are not well-rounded; the best teams are. People stay because they have a chance to make a difference, be given responsibility and be rewarded for doing their job.

How to reach: WealthStone Inc., (614) 267-2600 or