Keep employees ready for growth. We tell everybody, and we talk
about it a lot that, if you’re
growing as fast as we are, the
only consistent is going to be
change. So, change has really
become part of our culture, and
we’re constantly soliciting input
from everybody to improve
policies and procedures.
As an example, we have a
pretty neat initiative coming
up next week where we’ve
launched an internal ‘Wiki,’
where we’ve taken every policy and every procedure from
every department and put it
into one place — an online-type format — so it will navigate like a Web site.
We’re asking every employee
in every department to give us
their feedback and tell us what
they don’t like and what they
would improve, whether it’s a
policy procedure in their
department or another department. By doing things like that,
everybody knows there’s going
to be change because their
comments are going to be the
catalyst to additional change.
So, they are part of it at every
level of the organization.
I read about someone that
did a similar thing. I thought it
was a great idea, so our leadership team met, we talked
about it, and everybody said
that the positives definitely
outweigh the negatives, and
we should give it a shot.
We are really going to
encourage people to use this
forum to give us feedback.
We’re not soliciting positive
feedback, we’re soliciting negative feedback. We don’t want
to know what we should pat
ourselves on the back for. We
just want to know what’s broken, what’s not working, what
can we make better.
Have an open-door policy. If
somebody is not happy with a
direction or a decision, they
should be able to come to anyone in the company, even me,
and they do. At least a couple
times a week, people come to
me with a frustration or a
The only thing we ask is that
when they bring us a problem,
that they suggest a solution at
the same time. Normally, I’ll
get together with them and
whoever else they are having
an issue with and try (to) solve
the problem.
The real benefit is they’re
going to know the problems
before I am. If we don’t have
that line of communication,
things are just going to fester
and not get fixed. Problems will
just snowball and they’re going
to get worse if they are ignored,
and that’s not acceptable. <<
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