Great minds

A.K. Pradeep, CEO, NeuroFocus Inc.

Dr. A.K. Pradeep founded NeuroFocus Inc. after meeting a neuroscientist who was having trouble discovering the real needs of consumers through conventional research methods. In researching the issues businesses faced in getting accurate knowledge about their customers, Pradeep realized the opportunity to utilize the multifaceted world of neuroscience as a way to improve the field of consumer research.
Launching in 2005, Pradeep’s goal was to marry the amazing advancements in neuroscience with the consumer research field, bringing a new level of depth and insight about consumer attitudes and behavior to advertisers and businesses. Pradeep’s prior role as a research scientist at General Electric had prepared him for the obstacles of becoming a CEO, including securing talent, winning over multimillion dollar investors and building an initial client base.
By putting together a team that includes some of the best neuroscience experts worldwide, Pradeep has driven the company to become a world leader in neuromarketing. The company continues to develop groundbreaking technologies that establish new precedents in the field. For example, NeuroFocus’s ability to measure brainwave activity has brought success to some of the world’s largest companies across numerous categories. Because its technology is able to capture the consumer’s subconscious responses to stimuli such as brands, products and advertising, it provides reliable, measurable feedback that had been previously lacking in the marketing field. And with the technological breakthrough of Mynd — the world’s first wireless, ‘dry’ EEG headset for full brain measurement — Pradeep is taking neuromarketing into new areas where no competitor has yet ventured. As a result, he’s led the company to achieve dramatic growth in spite of the recession.
NeuroFocus’ major breakthroughs have made Pradeep a recognized leader in the neuromarketing field. He’s also used his entrepreneurial skills to become a successful author. His book, “The Buying Brain,” is recommended reading for leading business schools and is incorporated into the core marketing guidelines of multiple businesses.
How to reach: NeuroFocus Inc., (510) 526-1616 or