The Summit of Sustainability Awards
Winner Public Sector Category
City of Twinsburg
What started as an environmental protection program for portions of the Tinkers Creek flood plain and nearby corridor that the city purchased several years ago has bloomed into substantial efforts to conserve financial resources and reduce energy consumption as well as the city’s carbon footprint.
Energy management projects that have been completed include installing energy-efficient lighting at city facilities; replacing windows and doors with energy-efficient products; installing solar heating arrays at the outdoor city pool to save 50 percent in natural gas consumption and heated water expenses; and converting all traffic signals in the city to LEDs.
Water management at the city’s Gleneagles Golf Course now makes use of storm water retained on the property; in addition, organic fertilizer is applied to the fairways and greens. A total of 4,800 trees have been planted in the city since 1995 to help improve water quality, reduce storm water runoff and moderate temperature.
In the winter, city streets receive treatment with beet juice and brine for more environmentally friendly ice control.
Waste paper has been reduced significantly after the city encouraged digital communication and record keeping. Recycling efforts have increased for residents as well, and the resident recycling programs have achieved the second highest rate of community participation in Summit County.
Many other efforts are underway to help the city’s green initiative. The success of the city’s program is directly related to the corporate culture of sustainability adopted by the staff members who remain vigilant in their search for efficiency, sustainability and cost reduction.