There are few things more important in life than looking out for the well-being of others.
While much of this country is sharply divided along political lines, this is something we can all agree on. Philanthropy, in all its forms, has never been more important than it is now. Why else would many of the world’s billionaires have gathered to discuss best ways to give away their wealth and make a difference?
This marks the 13th year Smart Business and Medical Mutual have teamed up to present the Pillar Award for Community Service program. It’s an initiative that has evolved considerably since its inaugural goal to honor companies for giving back to the community.
Today, we recognize the tie between the for-profit and nonprofit worlds in a more holistic manner, honoring not just companies for going above and beyond but also individuals for serving on the boards of nonprofits and the heads of nonprofits for recognizing the dramatic shifts in their industries and successfully adapting.
As we head into the holiday season, it’s imperative to remember we should all be thankful for what we have. If you’re reading this column, odds are you’re better off than most Americans. Accordingly, here are three tips to consider when determining how to best leverage your means to make a difference in helping others.
Find your cause. We all have causes. They exist at our very core, forming the belief system we live by every day. Why shouldn’t our philanthropy follow that same course? Try to align your giving or volunteerism with something you personally believe in or care about; something that fits with what your company does or something that is close to your employees’ hearts.
Get involved. Writing a check is nice, but sometimes helping with manpower can have more of an impact. Examples include pitching in to build a home for Habitat for Humanity, packing food at a regional food bank, helping feed the homeless or needy at a local mission, or reading to the blind.
Make a difference. One initiative that has always impressed me has been the annual CreateAthon event undertaken by WhiteSpace Creative, a member of the Pillar Award class of 2005. During this year’s program, which was held from Sept. 16 to 17, WhiteSpace completed 30 projects for 20 nonprofit organizations across Northeast Ohio.
The bottom line is that it is all of our duties to find ways to get involved. It’s no longer a question of if, but rather of what, when and how.