Get engaged

With the holiday season upon us again, many individuals and corporations are looking into charitable activities. But, there’s no reason charity should be a once-a-year endeavor. Many charities need assistance year-round, and getting your company involved in charities is a great way to help those less fortunate in your community.

Getting involved in community outreach programs takes time and money, but doing so will give far more than it takes. Besides feeling good about doing something positive, you’ll be benefiting the communities you do business in.

“When your company becomes actively engaged in each of the various communities that it serves, it not only benefits those communities, but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and commonality among co-workers and gives your business another dimension,” says Oscar H. Martinez, a senior vice president and business banking manager with Wells Fargo Bank.

Smart Business spoke with Martinez about how companies can take part in charitable endeavors and the various benefits that come with getting involved.

Where should executives look to get involved in the community?

I think executives have to know and understand the needs of the community and find something that they as an individual have a passion for, as they will be more engaged and serve that charity or nonprofit with more vigor. In today’s wonderful age of technology, you can use Google as a resource to narrow down the various community organizations by category. In the end, it all comes back to a passion for a particular interest.