Garry McGuire grows RMG Networks

How can you stay rational when you are looking at those big growth opportunities?
I think just talking to as many advisers or people you respect who come from a pretty independent perspective is the most helpful way. I try to do that a lot with my board, with investors, with advisers — just to try to collect as many data points as possible. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Especially in a company as a president or CEO, you tend to be surrounded by people who agree with you. So as many people as possible who you can talk to outside of that circle, the better decisions you make.
How do you choose good advisers to speak to about these things?
Look for people who have worked in senior positions in your same industry, who are not currently working in the industry. They’ve maybe retired or they’ve changed or they’ve moved on to another profession. I have a couple of advisers who are in that role. I think it’s good to have an adviser completely outside of your industry, because they can look at it from a truly outsider’s position. It’s also good to get advisers who don’t have the same background as you. My background is more sales and marketing and our business has a lot of technology and finance, so I tend to try to surround myself with advisers who have different skills than I do, just to try to complement my weaknesses.
How to reach: RMG Networks, (415) 490-4200 or