Spread the word. Communication
is very much a requirement that
I have for both my HR group
and my marketing group, both
internal and externally.
It means me getting in front of
people; it means having management meetings. In a lot of
cases, you’re building that road
map with management. As it
relates to their own area, communications are inherent in that.
But very often, I’ll sit the different groups together and we
evaluate how we’re doing
against the plan. …
We pride ourselves on making sure we communicate to
everybody. That helps because
when you have a lot of people
speaking to customers, if they
don’t all know the same message, you’ve got different messages going out to customers.
If you figure all the customers
phoning into Pelican every day
asking questions, those people
answering those phones, it’s
very important that they have a
common knowledge of the
business. So if they’re asked
questions, there are common
answers going out. That gives
credibility to the company.
You can see why that communication happens in our environment and why we feel it’s so
important that it happens.
HOW TO REACH: Pelican Products Inc., (310) 326-4700 or www.pelican.com