Recognize your employees.
employee is different, and that’s
one of the hardest things for
people to learn in a management
position is that everyone needs
to be managed differently. Some
people are driven more by financial goals, some are driven more
by a pat on the back.
It’s the hardest thing as a
manager to understand what it
takes to drive certain individuals and what it takes to get the
most out of each individual
you’re managing. I don’t think
that’s something that you’re
born with as a manager, that’s
something that you develop
over time and experience in
how to manage your staff.
You may make mistakes with
certain people, and you have
to know how to correct them.
Having to be in touch with
individuals’ moods, their
morale and how they’re feeling, it’s a bit challenging at
times. You need to watch them
and make sure they’re on top
of it, because it’s easy for
things to get out of control.
For some people, it’s important for them to be recognized
by their peers, and for others
who see that, it’s something
for them to strive to. It’s something as simple as a certain
method that somebody may
have employed to do something well that you can maybe
show other people in the company that there are other ways
to do things and other ways
for them to be successful.
Develop a sense of trust.
It starts
with a level of respect and
friendship and talking to them
on a personal level, going out
to lunch, talking about individual things that are going on in
their life. It can’t be just about
work all the time.
Once you get to know someone on a personal level, you’ll
have a better understanding of
when they’re stressed or uneasy
about certain things and you get
a better sense of what they’re
going to accomplish.
HOW TO REACH: Amicon Development Group, (305) 573-8030 or