Your expectations will determine your results

Sales Tip 333

Your expectations will determine your results

Are you familiar with the self-fulfilling prophecy in psychology?
A selffulfilling prophecy is when a person unknowingly causes a prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior toward that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized.
This same prophecy can also be applied to sales. If you go into the sale expecting to earn their business there is a good chance you will. If, however, your expectations are low, chances are you won’t get the business.
When you have high expectations you will receive high results and when your expectations are low you will receive lower results.
Your expectations will determine your results! You will most often get what you expect.
The Sales [email protected]
Author/Motivational Speaker/Professional Sales Trainer