Not making a choice is making a choice.
I refer to this fear of choosing as “double-mindedness.” Everyone is looking for a guarantee. So many things are uncertain that people are afraid to make a choice.
In business, we need leaders who are not afraid to make decisions and live with the consequences — good or bad. I’m not suggesting people make bad decisions, but rather that leaders need to lead. Too many people try to have everything by straddling the fence.
Here are five suggestions for making the best decision possible the next time a choice needs to be made.
1. Surround yourself with good people. Wisdom comes from an abundance of counselors. Don’t look for people who will tell you what you want to hear. Look for people who care about you and the best interests of your company, and who will give you honest answers no matter how much you might not like it.
2. Gather as much information as soon as you can. This will help you make the best decision possible.
3. Use prayer. Whenever making a decision, I feel it is important to pray and include God. The prayer may not get answered the way you want, but at least you included him in your decision-making process.
4. Follow your gut instinct. This comes from experience, based on trial and error. As you learn from your mistakes, you will hone your instincts. When there doesn’t seem to be logical information to base your reasoning on, let your instincts show you the way.
5. Follow the leader. Sometimes the best way to make a decision is to see what already works and improve upon it. Don’t be afraid to copy someone who is doing something successfully.
Double-mindedness is choosing to be indecisive — the worst choice of all. When there are tough choices to make, you can’t have it both ways.
Get off the fence and lead.