Designing a better tomorrow

Q. What incentives do yougive employees for gettinginvolved?

We don’t incentivize them. Itincentivizes them. Just beinginvolved makes a big difference. It makes us closer andmakes them appreciate thecompany more and appreciatethe people more and appreciate their own lives more.

Everyone gets in the doldrums and everyone goes, ‘Ihave too much work,’ or ‘Idon’t spend enough time at

home,’ or this or that andeveryone feels sorry for themselves. It doesn’t stop thatbecause everybody is human,but it makes them think.

It does make a huge difference in their attitude at workand home — it makes themappreciate everything. If somebody is just happy at work andnot at home or not giving backand their life is not fulfilled,they’re not going to be a goodemployee.

Q. So how do you motivatepeople to participate if thereisn’t a tangible incentive?

I just sort of grab them andsay, ‘Come on, let’s go.’ Youhave to lead by example.They’ll get involved. Some willsit on the sidelines and watch,but it all makes a difference inthe culture.

The more people we wouldtake from the office in Dallas[to North Dallas High School],they would come back and beso inspired and say, ‘Oh myGod, I can’t believe I evermoaned about this or that.’That’s where you start.

A lot of the leaders are olderand don’t think about that.Other than giving to theUnited Way or giving to something that comes in the mailfor some table for a ball, theyreally don’t know how.

They may not do it themselves, but they should, and itcertainly is a part of theyounger generation. The Ygeneration has grown up giving back. Everybody is wondering — how do you keepthat generation? They’re usedto moving around, changingmajors, much less changingschools, majors, they’re justmoving around a lot.

I think that’s the one thingthat might keep them loyaland feel like they can make adifference.

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