Skoda Minotti’s tagline is simple:“Delivering on the Promise.” As a CPA,business and financial advisory firm, one ofthe most important things members of thecommunity receive from the company is apromise.
The promises that you make to yourclients, employees, business contacts andyour community make you the person youare. The management team at SkodaMinotti, including Chairman Greg Skoda,believes that these promises should not betaken lightly. To reaffirm the firm’s philosophy, the management team allows employees to count the time they spend volunteering as part of their workday. The majority ofSkoda Minotti’s professional staff serves ona nonprofit board of volunteers for at leastone organization, with many employeesserving on multiple boards.
Skoda Minotti’s management team alsoimplemented individual business development plans for each employee. These planshelp the firm’s professionals map out their careers. However, because Skoda Minottiplaces such an emphasis on community service, becoming involved with a nonprofitorganization is a key element of the plan.
On a company level, Skoda Minottiserves as one of only six Adopt-a-Routepartners for the Hillcrest Meals on Wheelsprogram. Every Thursday for nearly fouryears, two members of the firm have completed one of the routes for that day.Everyone from the administrative staff tothe senior management gets involved withthe program. In 2008, the firm added another route on Mondays, which allows evenmore employees to deliver on the promise.
Another interesting service SkodaMinotti has become involved with is theAdoption Network Cleveland’s Digital MeProject. As part of the project, volunteersfrom the firm work with children to helpthem prepare PowerPoint presentationsthat give prospective adoptive parentsinsight into the children’s lives.
The firm also participates in two “done-in-a-day” projects per year through BusinessVolunteers Unlimited. Through those projects, staff members have provided hundreds of hours of community service andhelped a variety of organizations, includingSanta’s Hide-A-Way Hollow, the BereaChildren’s Home and the Cleveland SightCenter.
From July 2007 to June 2008, SkodaMinotti employees spent 1,718 workdayhours performing community service. Thattranslates to more than $383,000 worth ofemployee time spent supporting the community — and delivering the promise.
HOW TO REACH: Skoda Minotti, (440) 449-6800