Clear orders

Q. What advice do you have on how to create an open environment and be a better communicator?

Be consistent. I think consistency is the key. The other part is, when you determine the course, to hold the line. A lot of individuals, peers if you will (think), ‘What’s the topic of the week?’

If I were to be working with and mentoring someone, my first thing would be to say, ‘What is your objective, what do you want out of this business and what do you want out of this company? Let’s set that goal and let’s set a 12-month plan that says, ‘This is what we need to do.’ We’re going to be consistent, we’re going to be clear with our direction, and we’re not going to jump from week to week.

It’s going to be a clear message, and we’re going to be focused on results and not change course.

Q. What is a pitfall to avoid in communication?

Don’t have what I call unplanned meetings. Don’t waste time with time wasters. If we have something to meet about, we’re going to meet, we’re going to discuss the topics and we’re going to be clear on it. But don’t have meetings just to have meetings.

People have a Monday meeting and, ‘We meet on Monday because we have a Monday meeting, not because we have something important to meet about.’

The key to being a good communicator is when you have the opportunity to communicate, that what you communicate is relevant, it’s needed and it’s timely. The best way to word that is, don’t have Monday meetings because it’s Monday, but to have Monday meetings because we’ve got something relevant.

How to reach: Frost Inc., (813) 991-4874